Q & A

Q. Is your manipulative therapy painful?
A. Basically it is not painful because it treats according to patient's condition.

Q. Do your manual treatment makes a sound heavily?
A.No. Although it sometimes makes a sound naturally within the treatment, I do not intend to make a sound intentionally.

Q. How often should I recieve the treatment?
A. Experience shows that you should recieve the treatment regularly once a month. In addition, those who are in a bad state can be further packed.

Q. Can you heal perfectly at once?
A. It depends on the person's symptoms and there are individual differences. Although we will do our best to alleviate the symptoms early, if they leave their bodies in a bad state for a long time, they will feel that the symptoms remain and it will take more time to cure them.


 Just as when we pass on better nature to future generations, it is important for our minds and bodies to maintain early and steadily in order to pass on to a better state in the future.

                © NATURA

Q & A
Jananese / English